dimanche 19 novembre 2023



Lazing today is regard as a silly way of wasting time. In a productivist and competitive society, this seems like a scandalous waste. By the standard of busyness, lazing is perceived as deviant, undisciplined, immoral, or sickly behavior. The recalcitrant person is exposed to treatment or punishment. The role of the manager, facilitator, educator or therapist may be to prevent or rectify lazy behavior.

The reprobation of laziness also affects leisure. It should be rewarding, be able to be displayed and not be frivolous or vulgar. Leisure should allow you to recover your strength or to develop yourself, through a sporting, artistic, cultural or associative activity for example. As for intellectual laziness, it is equated with dissipation, rambling, lack of method and rigor.

But the argument can be turned on its head. The accusation of laziness can be turned against the exploiter who profits from the work of the exploited. Laziness at work can be perceived, not as a lack of individual effort, but as the consequence and resistance to the excessive demands of managers.  Unemployment, in turn, can be interpreted as the effect of a system of exclusion generating a worrying mass of jobseekers that discourages the demands of employees who already have a job.

To defend a right to laziness, or more precisely to relaxation, it would be necessary to invent different forms of life, non-productivist, non-consumerist and non-repressive, with an organization of work based on sharing and pleasure, oriented towards real needs and without superfluous sectors, such as marketing or management. The time freed up would no longer be time considered wasted or unproductive, but time spent convivially, discussing, playing, partying, strolling, creating and reflecting. 

Raphaël Edelman 10/06/2023

 Credit Photo : La Paresse – La Verrerie (residencelaverrerie.fr)

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